Wednesday, August 26, 2020

History And Overview Of Frances Beauty Industry Economics Essay

History And Overview Of Frances Beauty Industry Economics Essay France is positioned sixteenth in the Global Competitive Report up two spots from a year ago and showing various serious qualities, for example, a foundation that is positioned second on the planet, a sound workforce, a high caliber of instruction, a modern business culture and initiative in the zone of mechanical development. Then again, as demonstrated in the Global Competitive Report, France experiences high non wage work costs and severe standards on recruiting and terminating and poor work manager relations. There is likewise an administer Gross domestic product Per Capita, (US$), 2007..$41,511.2 Gross domestic product: (US$ billions), 20072,560.3 Gross domestic product (PPP) as offer (%) of world aggregate, 2007㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦.3.17 All out Population: (millions), 200760.9 Middle Age: 39 Land Area: Largest land territory of all EU individuals Joblessness: 7% 2008 Current President Nicolas Sarkozy ment spending shortfall which is over the EU limit of 60% and national investment funds rates are low. (Worldwide Competitive Report, 2008/09 p.19) Although France is right now in a decent situation in sixteenth spot, the worldwide economy is changing and new contenders are shutting in. This paper will look at the difficulties that France and their magnificence industry are confronting. France key realities: source: The Global Competitive Report 2008-09 Exhibit A Monetary PerformanceFrances Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has lined up with the European normal to some degree, in spite of the fact that, as the chart underneath delineates, France has fared superior to the EU inside the most recent year. Display B This outline made on the Eurostat site, contrasts Frances Real GDP and the European Union (EU) normal. Genuine total national output (GDP) is a macroeconomic proportion of the size of an economy balanced for value changes (that is, balanced for changes in the estimation of cash: expansion or emptying.) source: Real GDP. Web. ttp://>. Legend:Blue = FranceGreen = EU (27 countries)source:http// Frances Gross Domestic Product per capita (PPP US$)The Human Development report and the Global Competitive Report exhibit that Frances buying power equality (PPP) has declined since 1993 to 33,000 or more/less. Human Development Report 2009 Exhibit C Human improvement file 2007 and its parts Gross domestic product per capita (PPP US$) HDI Rank Nation 2007 1 Norway 53,433 1 2 Australia 34,923 3 Iceland 35,742 4 Canada 35,812 5 Ireland 44,613 1 6 Netherlands 38,694 7 Sweden 36,712 8 France 33,674 9 Switzerland 40,658 10 Japan 33,632 11 Luxembourg 79,485 source: got to March 29 2010 source: Global Competitive Report 2008/09Exhibit D Development MeasuresThe Global Competitive Report says Although less-propelled nations can in any case improve their profitability by receiving existing advances or making gradual enhancements in different regions, for nations that have arrived at the advancement phase of improvement, this is not, at this point adequate to build efficiency. Firms in these nations must structure and create bleeding edge items and procedures to keep up a serious edge. (Worldwide Competitive Report, 2008/2009, page 6) Display D shows France in blue is ahead in the level of GDP for RD. This shrouds the way that Germany one of Frances contenders which we will talk about later in the Cosmetic business examination, spends an extensive sum more than France. Despite the fact that France in blue is ahead in the level of GDP they spend on RD another significant part of advancement is licenses. Display E shows that Germany has twofold the measure of licenses. Net Domestic Expenditure on RDExhibit D France = Blue EU = Green Germany has twofold the measure of licenses than France Show E Examining the date from the Global Competitiveness Report obviously France is languishing in the positioning over advancement and sophisticatio n as shown beneath. Show F France is losing behind Germany who is winning right now in fourth spot Show F: Innovation and refinement factors As indicated by Porter, a countries intensity relies upon the limit of its industry to improve and redesign. Organizations gain advantage against the universes best contenders as a result of weight and challenge. (Doorman, On Competition, p.171, 2008) In Exhibit F France is holding consistent in fourteenth position a clarification for their absence of progress is appeared in Exhibit G condition of bunch advancement, where France is low and their pace of patent improvement is low contrasted with its rivals, for instance, Germany, Japan and the U.S.A. source: Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009Exhibit G France P E S T Analysis POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Outline French political framework can be portrayed as semi-presidential type of popularity based republic. France has improved thinking about the standard of law and responsibility. France positions in the 91.3 percentile on voice and responsibility starting at 2007, which is an improvement from 2002, when it was positioned in the 84.1 percentile. (Datamonitor (2009). France: Country Analysis Report. London: British Library. Page 3) Be that as it may, France is as yet considered as an exceptionally unified nation and the tip top gathering is fundamentally engaged with the state and corporate segments. Additionally, debasement is by all accounts one of the principle issues in French governmental issues. Qualities Political security can be viewed as one of Frances qualities. Races are reasonable and straightforward. Albeit at first the communist gatherings were increasingly well known and along these lines winning the races, of late most of the general public hosts decided in favor of star change gatherings. Before the races president Sarkozy made after guarantees: a decrease of joblessness, adaptable work laws, annuity change and assessment changes. Frances way to deal with forestalling psychological warfare is viewed as one of the best in Europe. In any case, it didn't come free and the cost was restricting common freedoms. (Datamonitor (2009). France: Country Analysis Report. London: British Library. P. 14) Shortcomings In spite of the fact that the current French government is unquestionably master change, the remainder of French society is by all accounts restricted to the changes. For instance, the administration needs to rearrange open organization and organization, advance the opposition in the market just as make least wages adaptable. ( I kind of realize what you mean however would you be able to incorporate several the progressions that the administration need to acquire. I comprehend that the residents would be reluctant to acknowledge any change that would bring down wages yet does the French government need to bring down wages that would likewise conflict with what Porter says is the purpose of being serious. The populace is reluctant to receive any estimates that cause a lessening in compensation. One reason would be the decrease in buying intensity of the French populace. As of now referenced in display B above France is as of now demonstrating a decrease in GDP (PPP US$) per capita. Improving the annuity framework and modernizing the work advertise has been postponed on account of the reluctance of French resident to acknowledge change. When all is said in done, the changes are being postponed. Besides, the progression procedure is additionally not as powerful as sought after, basically, president Sarkozy is losing his fame. In territorial races on 21st March the Socialist Party increased 54 % while UMP 35 % as it were. (Web. . Gotten to March 15 2010). Openings Improving French international strategy has been one of president Sarkozys primary objectives. So far he has been effective. France has come back to NATOs military order. It has helped US in separating Iran as a result of its atomic force. As a rule, France has been recently dynamic in universal connections. With no uncertainty improved remote relations will assist the financial relations with these nations. French National Assembly piece Source: Datamonitor (2009). France: Country Analysis Report. London: British Library. P. 39. President Sarkozys organization has likewise at last improved French administration which currently ought to be progressively straightforward and productive. Dangers In France, the administration has kept on assuming a conspicuous job in business contrasted with numerous other EU nations. (Datamonitor (2009). France: Country Examination Report. London: British Library. Page 16) A convergence of first class residents in power helps defilement rehearses and furthermore help to impact government strategies which in actuality can square turn of events. (Political Theory: An Introduction, Michael G. Roskin, June 2005, P. 79) Moreover, since the legislature turns out to be progressively disagreeable while attempting to execute the changes (would we be able to get a rundown of the changes then I can mesh that into this passage annuity framework change, human services framework change, open organization change, change of work conditions guidelines un contrat remarkable, change of open accounts, charge framework change, partnership charge change) there is a hazard that it will become populist to recover power. There have been various fights against change measures. Financial LANDSCAPE Review The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has expressed that France confronted a 3 % fall in development in 2009. The abatement of salary and wages joined with rising joblessness will influence local utilization. As a result of the restriction actualizing Sarkozys changes isn't going easily. Frances FICO score may be influenced. That will expand the expense of subsidizing for future governments and business enterprises.(Datamonitor (2009). France: Country Analysis Report. London: British Library. P. 14) Qualities President Sarkozys professional change approach influenced all in all audit of open arrangement. This caused the improvement out in the open administrations and in this manner diminishing the open expenses. French foundation is truly outstanding in Europe. There are more than 10,0

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Esping-Andersens Welfare Regime Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Esping-Andersens Welfare Regime Model - Essay Example The setting of a state’s government assistance is definitive to the activity of the state and the wellbeing of the residents. It is fundamental to examine the distinctions in state government assistance systems. This aides in understanding the distinctions in state tasks and the strength of its populace among nations. Esping-Andersen thought of the most important typology for government assistance states. Esping-Andersen utilizing old style European political economy approach separates between three kinds of government assistance systems (Edwards, 2003). Esping-Andersen separates the state government assistance systems on three significant standards. These standards are social delineation, deco-change and the open private blend. Deco-change alludes to the degree to which the government assistance of the individual is free of the market. It additionally alludes to the individual’s capacity to get social administrations as a right. Social separation portrays the governmen t assistance state job in issues concerning structure of the general public as per Schildt (2010). In conclusion, open private blend centers around jobs played by the express, the market, family and the willful division in the specific government assistance systems. Espin-Andersen distinguishes three fundamental kinds of government assistance systems: the traditionalist, social popularity based and the liberal government assistance system models as substantiated by Edwards (2003). The liberal model joins free market boost for the market support. It makes the suspicion that all individuals can take an interest in the market. The basic thought in showcase cooperation prompts opportunity of rivalry. It stresses on open and private area organization. The laborers in liberal model are probably not going to be completely co-altered, anyway they advocate for money remuneration. As indicated by Annamari (2009), the liberal model of state government assistance system is found in nations like England and the United States of America Conservative Welfare Regime The traditionalist government assistance system is well known in nations like Germany, France and Belgium among others. It advances social help and accommodates broad government assistance administrations for all the populace. This model sees the state as a negligible interventionist. Esping-Andersen contends that arranging the European government assistance states as a component of the traditionalist model can be seen as insulting (Edwards, 2003). Social Democratic Welfare Regime Social vote based government assistance is well known with Nordic nations. It is additionally alluded to as Nordic Model. The social majority rule model upholds independence in this way evacuating singular dependence on the family and it is related with costly duties. This model has a component of populism which portrays the act of universalism. The model is likewise individual situated as it advances their prosperity (Larsen, 2006). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Comparing Welfare States Using Esping-Andersen’s Welfare Regime Esping-Andersen model has been of significance in as far order of states as indicated by government assistance systems. The model has a few points of interest which causes it to stay increasingly pertinent contrasted with other government assistance systems. In to the extent the social vote based government assistance system is concerned; it is redistributive as far as the states riches. All inclusive government assistance and frameworks of advantages are utilized as rights and there is open arrangement of the widespread government assistance administrations. Esping-Andersen’s social popularity based model relies upon high business levels and hence offers ladies work. It likewise gives less accentuation on the family’s duty regarding its members’ government assistance instead of different models. The state along these lines expect a large portion of the family obligation (Larsen, 2006). The components of populism portray in Esping-Andersen’s model the act of universalism as proposed by Mann (2001). The bit of leeway here is that each resident appreciates same advantages and rights also whether or not they are rich or not. This implies there is equivalent arrangement of administrations without

Monday, August 17, 2020

Conditioned Response in Classical Conditioning

Conditioned Response in Classical Conditioning Theories Behavioral Psychology Print Conditioned Response in Classical Conditioning By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 11, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 01, 2020 Vstock LLC / Tetra images / Getty Images More in Theories Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In This Article Table of Contents Expand Conditioned Responses Classical Conditioning Identify the Responses Extinction View All Back To Top In  classical conditioning, the  conditioned response  is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. For example, the smell of food is an unconditioned stimulus, a feeling of hunger in response to the smell is an unconditioned response, and the sound of a whistle when you smell the food is the conditioned stimulus. The conditioned response would be feeling hungry when you heard the sound of the whistle. While studying classical conditioning, you might find it helpful to remember that the conditioned response is the  learned reflexive response. The classical conditioning process is all about pairing a previously neutral stimulus with another stimulus that naturally produces a response. After pairing the presentation of these two together enough times, an association is formed. The previously neutral stimulus will then evoke the response all on its own. At this point, the response becomes known as the conditioned response. Conditioned Response Examples Some examples of conditioned responses include: Many phobias begin after a person has had a negative experience with the fear object.?? For example, after witnessing a terrible car accident, a person might develop a fear of driving. This fear is a conditioned response.If your pet is accustomed to being fed after hearing the sound of a can or bag being opened, he or she might become very excited when hearing that sound. This behavior is a conditioned response.Many children receive regular immunizations, and a child may cry as a result of these injections. In some instances, a child might come to associate a doctors white jacket with this painful experience. Eventually, the child might begin to cry whenever he or she sees anyone wearing a white coat. This crying behavior is a conditioned response.A person who is bitten by a barking dog may experience feelings of fear and anxiety whenever he or she hears a barking noise. The fear that people feel when they hear a bark is a conditioned response. The Conditioned Response in Classical Conditioning Lets take a closer look at how the conditioned response works in classical conditioning. Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov first discovered the classical conditioning process during his research on the salivary systems of dogs.?? Pavlov noted that the dogs would salivate to the taste of meat, but that after a while they also began to salivate whenever they saw the white coat of the lab assistant who delivered the meat. To look closer at this phenomenon, Pavlov introduced the sound of a tone whenever the animals were fed. Eventually, an association was formed, and the animals would salivate whenever they heard the sound, even if no food was present. In Pavlovs classic experiment, the food represents what is known as the  unconditioned stimulus  (UCS).?? This stimulus naturally and automatically triggers an  unconditioned response  (UCR), which in this case was salivation. After pairing the unconditioned stimulus with a previously neutral stimulus, the sound of the tone, an association is formed between the UCS and the neutral stimulus. Eventually, the previously neutral stimulus begins to evoke the same response, at which point the tone becomes known as the  conditioned stimulus. Salivating in response to this conditioned stimulus is an example of a conditioned response. How to Identify the Conditioned Response Distinguishing between the unconditioned response and the conditioned response can sometimes be difficult. Here are a few things to remember as you are trying to identify a conditioned response: The conditioned response must be learned, while the unconditioned response takes place with no learning.The conditioned response will only occur after an association has been made between an unconditioned stimulus and a conditioned stimulus. Extinction So what happens in cases where the unconditioned stimulus is no longer paired with a conditioned stimulus? In Pavlovs experiment, for example, what would have happened if the food was no longer present after the sound of the tone? Eventually, the conditioned response will gradually diminish and even disappear, a process known as  extinction.?? In one of our previous examples, imagine that a person developed a conditioned response to feeling fear whenever he or she heard a dog bark. Now imagine that the individual has many more experiences with barking dogs, all of which are positive. While the conditioned response initially developed after one bad experience with a barking dog, that response may begin to diminish in intensity or even eventually disappear if the person has enough good experiences where nothing bad happens when he or she hears a dogs bark. A Word From Verywell The conditioned response is an important part of the classical conditioning process. By forming an association between a previously neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus, learning can take place, eventually leading to a conditioned response. Conditioned responses can be a good thing, but they can also be problematic. Associations can lead to desirable behaviors, but they can lead to undesirable or maladaptive behaviors (for example, phobias) as well. Fortunately, the same behavioral learning processes that led to the formation of a conditioned response can also be used to teach new behaviors or change old ones. How Behavioral Therapy Is Used in Psychology

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Short Story - 1998 Words

Madison Knight read the insignificant bank balance for the second time. Dead broke. Until now, holidays in the Colorado Rocky Mountains had always been her favorite time of the year, but that was before the money ran out—before the likelihood of eviction. Her one chance to pay her bills rested on the New Year’s bonus from Once Again Antiques. Today, December 24th, starting at 9 a.m. until the close of business, twenty percent of all sales generated from the client wish list contributed to the bonus—if she held on to her job until the end of the year. One more misstep, one more unsatisfied customer, and there’d be no ifs, ands, or buts—the owner, Savannah Charm, would terminate her employment. Madison slid a quilt over her shoulders and†¦show more content†¦Let me check our records.† She placed the phone on the table next to the laptop and as the inventory screen opened, her stomach muscles tightened bit by bit. Seller’s remorse represented an undesirable side of the business. Certain heirlooms were too precious to part with, and now and then, the previous owner realized it too late. â€Å"My grandmother had an estate sale last week, and she didn’t want it sold, unfortu—† â€Å"Oh?† She should’ve kept quiet. Run-ins with greedy family members happened in the antique business, and a judging attitude didn’t increase revenues. â€Å"It wasn’t on purpose,† he said. â€Å"The day was chaotic and someone had shuffled around the artwork. We didn’t realize it was missing until a couple of days ago, and it took this long to sort out the mix-up and discover your shop bought it.† She felt guilty for jumping to the wrong conclusion. â€Å"I see how that could happen. It’s obvious the piece is important to your grandmother. If it becomes necessary, we have the resources to find a similar style. Is there a special artist or significance?† Held hostage by the slow computer response and trying not to rush him, she picked up one of the hand weights, intending to fit in a few curls. â€Å"Keep in mind Gran’s ninety-two, and she thinks . . .† â€Å"Uh-huh.† With her free hand, she grabbed the latte and took a sip. â€Å"Gran thinks it holds a special power.† Madison chose that moment to swallow and the creamy espresso went down the wrong pipe. A dry, hacking cough followed,Show MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Public Toilet Free Essays

G answer B F A 1) J I C E D 2) Cycle Time (CT) = Productive time per hour Output per day = 7 hrs. /day X 60 min/hr X 60 sec/min 1008 units/day = 25,200 sec 1008 units = 25 sec/unit 6 5 4 3 2 1 3) Workstation = J I G H F E C D B A Task Time 24 25 25 25 25 24 Idle Time = 1 0 0 0 0 1 ( Total = 2 sec ) 4) WS = Sum of task times Cycle time (CT) = 148 sec 25 sec/units = 5. 2 ? 6 units of WS 5) Efficiency = Sum of task times X 100% CT * Actual # of (WS) = 148 sec * 100 % ( 25 sec/units * 4 units of WS) = 98. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Toilet or any similar topic only for you Order Now 67 % ) Idle time per units = (CT * actual # of WS) – sum of task times = (25 sec/unit X 6 units of WS) – 148 seconds = 2 sec/units Idle time in seconds per day = idle time per units X output per day (in unit) = 2 sec/unit X 1008units/day = 2016 sec/day Idle time in hour per day = Idle time in seconds per day 60 min/hr X 60 sec/min = 2016 sec/day 60 min/hr X 60 sec/min = 0. 56 hr/day Thus, The cost of idleness per week = Idle time in hour per day X wage rate per hour X # working day per week = 0. 56 hr/day X RM 40 per day = RM 22. 40 per week QUESTION 4 Claytan Fine China, a well-known dinner ware producer has upgraded its moulding procedure by using the most sophisticated equipment. The mouding process consists of 10 elements. The following table shows the task element in alphabetical order and their precedence element task(s) and times in seconds. Task Element| Precedence Task| Task Time (seconds)| A| -| 24| B| A| 25| C| A| 13| D| -| 10| E| C, D| 12| F| B, E| 11| G| B| 15| H| -| 14| I| F,G. H| 10| J| I| 24| 1. Draw a precedence diagram 2. If the expected weekly output is 5040 dinner sets and daily productive time is 7 hours (in a 5 day work-week), compute the cycle for the process. 3. Compute the theoretical number of workstations. 4. Arrange the task element into proper workstations by using the longest task-time heuristic/rule. 5. Calculate the efficiency of the balanced line and balance delay. 6. If the wage rate is RM 40 per day, calculate the idleness cost per week. QUESTION 8 Hakim Bidaman Enterprise is in the process of developing an aggregate capacity plan for the month of Jan-Sept 2010. The company has gathered the data as shown in the following table: MONTH| Jan| Feb| Mar| Apr| May| Jun| Jul | Aug| Sept| Forecast Demand (unit)| 5000| 4900| 4500| 4200| 6300| 5000| 5100| 4800| 4700| Other information to be considered: 1. Each output requires 26 minute to be produced. 2. Labour cost per hour is RM 5. 00 3. Overtime rate per hour is RM 7. 50 4. Overtime given to 4 workers only with a limitation of 2 hours per day. 5. Beginning inventory is 400 units. . The inventory carrying cost is RM 2. 40 per unit. 7. Hiring cost per worker is RM 400 and lay off cost per worker is RM 600 8. Subcontracting cost is RM 20 per unit. 9. Current workforce level is 10 workers. 10. The company operates 8 hours daily in 26 days a month. Determine the production cost for the planning horizon by using all five strategies. Apply information given as necessary for a cert ain strategy. ANWER STRATEGY 1 Monthly forecast output = number of day per monthly X daily standard output = 26 days (60 minutes/hr ? 6 minutes/unit X 8 hours/day) = 480 units per worker per month MONTH| FORECASTDEMAND (UNIT)=UNIT PRODUCED| CURRENT WORKER| WORKERS REQUIRED| HIRE| LAY OFF| Jan| 5000 – 400 = 4600| 10| 4600/480 = 10| | | Feb| 4900| 10| 4900/480 = 10| | | Mar| 4500| 10| 4500/480 = 9| | 1| Apr| 4200| 9| 4200/480 = 9| | | May| 6300| 9| 6300/480 = 13| 4| | Jun| 5000| 13| 5000/480 = 10| | 3| Jul| 5100| 10| 5100/480 = 11| 1| | Aug| 4800| 11| 4800/480 = 10| | 1| Sept| 4700| 10| 4700/480 = 10| | | | 44100| | | 5| 5| TOTAL PRODUCTION COST Regular production cost = (44100 units) X (RM5/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 0 minute/hr) = RM 95,550 Hire worker = (5 worker) X (RM400) = RM 2,000 Lay off worker = (5 worker) X (RM600) = RM 3,000 Thus, total cost = RM 100,500 STRATEGY 2 Units Produced = (number of day per monthly) X (working days per pe daily) X (standard output per day) = (10 worker) X (26 day) X (60 minutes/hr ? 26 minutes/unit X 8hr) = 4800 units MONTH| FORECAST DEMAND (UNIT)| UNIT PRODUCED| UNITEXCESS| UNIT SHORTAGE| OTUNITS| ENDINV| Jan| 5000 – 400 = 4600| 4800| 200| | | 200| Feb| 4900| 4800| | 100| 100| | Mar| 4500| 4800| 300| | | 300| Apr| 4200| 4800| 600| | | 600| May| 6300| 4800| | 1500| 1500| | Jun| 5000| 4800| | 200| 200| | Jul| 5100| 4800| | 300| | 300| Aug| 4800| 4800| | -| -| -| Sept| 4700| 4800| 100| | | 100| | | 43200| | | 1800| 1500| TOTAL PRODUCTION COST Regular Production Cost = (43200 units) X (26 days ? 8 hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 60 minute/hr) = RM 60,840 Overtime Cost (1800 unit) X (RM7. 50/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 60 minute/hr) = RM 5,850 Inv. Holding Cost = (1500 unit) X (RM2. 40 per unit) = RM 3,600 Thus, total cost = RM 70,290 STRATEGY 3 Units Produced = (number of day per monthly) X (working days per pe daily) X (standard output per day) = (10 worker) X (26 day) X (60 minutes/hr ? 26 minutes/unit X 8hr) = 4800 units MONTH| FORECAST DEMAND (UNIT)| UNIT PRODUCED| UNITEXCESS| UNIT SHORTAGE| OTUNITS| ENDINV| Jan| 5000 – 400 = 4600| 4800| 200| | | 200| Feb| 4900| 4800| | 100| | 100| Mar| 4500| 4800| 300| | | 300| Apr| 4200| 4800| 600| | | 600| May| 6300| 4800| | 1500| 900| | Jun| 5000| 4800| | 200| 200| | Jul| 5100| 4800| | 300| 300| | Aug| 4800| 4800| -| -| -| -| Sept| 4700| 4800| 100| | | 100| | | 43200| | | 1400| 1300| TOTAL PRODUCTION COST Regular Production Cost = (43200) X (RM5/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 0 minute/hr) = RM 93,600 Overtime Cost = (1400 units) X (RM5/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 60 minute/hr) = RM 3,033 Inv. Holding Cost = (1300 units) X (RM2. 40 per unit) = RM 3,120 Thus, total cost = RM 99, 753 STRATEGY 4 Units Produced = (number of day per monthly) X (working days per pe daily) X (standard output per day) = (10 worker) X (26 day) X (60 minutes/hr ? 26 minutes/unit X 8hr) = 4800 units MONTH| FORECAST DEMAND (UNIT)| UNIT PRODUCED| UNITEXCESS| UNIT SHORTAGE| OTUNITS| ENDINV| Jan| 5000 – 400 = 4600| 4800| 200| | | 200| Feb| 4900| 4800| | 100| | 100| Mar| 4500| 4800| 300| | | 400| Apr| 4200| 4800| 600| | | 1000| May| 6300| 4800| | 1500| 1500| | Jun| 5000| 4800| | 200| 200| | Jul| 5100| 4800| | 300| 300| | Aug| 4800| 4800| -| -| -| -| Sept| 4700| 4800| 100| | | 100| | | 43200| | | 1000| 1800| TOTAL PRODUCTION COST Regular production cost = (43200) X (RM5/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 0 minute/hr) = RM 93,600 Overtime Cost = (1000 units) X (RM7. 50/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 60 minute/hr) = RM 3,250 Inv. Holding Cost = (1800 units) X (RM2. 40 per unit) = RM 4,320 Thus, total cost = RM 101,170 STRATEGY 5 Units Produced = (number of day per monthly) X (working days per pe daily) X (standard output per day) = (10 worker) X (26 day) X (60 minutes/hr ? 26 minutes/unit X 8hr) = 4800 units MONTH| FORECAST DEMAND (UNIT)| UNIT PRODUCED| UNITEXCESS| UNIT SHORTAGE| OT UNITS(max=480Unit)| ENDINV| SUBUNIT| Jan| 5000 – 400 = 4600| 4800| 200| | | 200| | Feb| 4900| 4800| | 100| | 100| | Mar| 4500| 4800| 300| | | 400| | Apr| 4200| 4800| 600| | | 1000| | May| 6300| 4800| | 1500| 480| | 20| Jun| 5000| 4800| | 200| 200| | | Jul| 5100| 4800| | 300| 300| | | Aug| 4800| 4800| -| -| -| -| | Sept| 4700| 4800| 100| | | 100| | | | 43200| | | 980| 1800| 20| Overtime unit max = 4 X 2 X 26 per month ? 6 month/unit X 60 minute/unit = 480 units TOTAL PRODUCTION COST Regular Production Cost = (43200) X (RM5/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 60 minute/hr) = RM 93,600 Overtime Cost = (980 units) X (RM7. 50/hr) X (26 minute/unit ? 60 minute/hr) = RM 3,185 Inv. Holding Cost = (1800 units) X (RM2. 40 per unit) = RM 4,320 Subcontracting Cost = (20 units) X (RM20 per unit) = RM 400 Thus, total cost = RM 101,505 How to cite Public Toilet, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Midwifery Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection

Question: Discuss about theMidwifery for Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection. Answer: Introduction Chlamydia trachomatis infection can be diagnosed by three primary methods. Swab and urine samples are collected from the endocervical canal and the urethra respectively to be used in the lab investigations. The first method of diagnosis is by the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in which the nucleic acids of the causative agent is amplified. Its sensitivity and specificity are as high as 95% and therefore, its results are reliable (Frye, Wallace, Chavez Luce, 2008). Secondly, the infection can be diagnosed by detection of Chlamydia antigen by ELISA method. Thirdly, it can be diagnosed by culture technique. This technique is the most reliable with a specificity of 100%. However, it is relatively expensive and technically complex than the other techniques. It also takes a longer duration of about 3-7 days for the results to be obtained (Pereboom, MannieÃÅ'ˆn, Rours, Spelten, Hutton Schellevis, 2014). The recommended antibiotic therapy for pregnant women with the infection is oral amoxicillin 500 mg consumed a day thrice for seven days (Pereboom et al. 2014). Amoxicillin is efficiently absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with a bioavailability of up to 92% and is secreted renally unchanged. Amoxicillin is nonteratogenic in humans and is categorized as pregnancy category B drug (Rosenfeld Loose, 2014). Alternative therapies include 500mg oral intake of erythromycin that is consumed four times per day for seven days, or half of this dose (250mg) can be taken for double the duration (14 days). Its absorption is varied depending on the presence or absence of food in the GI. It crosses the placenta, into breast milk and CSF. It is excreted through the GI tract. About 2-15% of it is excreted through the renal system as unchanged drug. It has no known teratogenic effects in humans but should be used with caution when there are no other alternative therapies (Brenner Stevens, 2013) . Equally, 1 gram of azithromycin can be taken orally as a single dose. It is rapidly absorbed and has a bioavailability of 37%. It is excreted in feces and urine as unchanged drug. It has no teratogenic effects and is categorized as a pregnancy category B drug (Rosenfeld Loose, 2014). References Brenner, G. M., Stevens, C. W. (2013),Pharmacology, Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders. Frye, J., Wallace, L., Chavez, R., Luce, D. (January 01, 2008). Screening and Treatment Guidelines for Chlamydia trachomatis in Incarcerated Adolescents: A Review.Journal of Correctional Health Care,14,2, 89-98. Pereboom, M. T. R., MannieÃÅ'ˆn, J., Rours, G. I. J. G., Spelten, E. R., Hutton, E. K., Schellevis, G. (February 01, 2014). Chlamydia trachomatis infection during pregnancy: Knowledge, test practices, and attitudes of Dutch midwives.Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases,46,2, 107-113. Rosenfeld, G. C Loose, D. S. (2014),Pharmacology. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams Wilkins.